“Ammodernamento del sistema produttivo
aziendale e agroalimentare”
Intervento realizzato avvalendosi del finanziamento
PSR Sicilia 2014/2020 “Programma di Sviluppo Rurale della Regione Sicilia”
Parte FEASR Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020
Sottomisura 4.2 “Sostegno a investimenti a favore della trasformazione, commercializzazione e dello sviluppo dei prodotti agricoli”. CUP: G76I19000000007
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Il Latte di Pecora della Valle del Belice
We have always set ourselves the choice of the best raw materials to obtain a quality production respecting the traditions, trying to enhance the peculiarities of our territory. We bring on your tables products that speak about us and the positive values of our land, sharing them in Italy and in the world.
We are distinguished by enthusiasm and the desire to offer new solutions, offering our experiences for the development of partnership projects that create value for our customers. We feel responsible for what we do and costantly try to improve ourselves while remaining faithful to our values. The Biopek sheep's milk cheese is made from milk coming from the sunny siclian hills and from shepherd's long experience in the absolute respect of the peasant tradition.The milk coming from the "Valle del Belice" sheep is rich in natural microflora and enzymes becouse it is nourished with natural pasture such milk is then processed using lamb's natural rennet. The "fruit" (such is its traditional name) is then preserved by expert hands and brought to the right degree of maturation in the uncontaminate environment of the sicilian hills.